Thursday, March 8, 2012

Keeping Your Heart

So this is only my second post for the Remnant's Remnant blog. To be perfectly honest I felt disqualified to write about spiritual things even though I was commissioned to do so. Well, last week I was rebuked for NOT writing, so I must do as the Lord leads.

False teachers are springing up EVERYWHERE today. They're on my tv, in my ear, in my family's ear inviting us to try their wares. Try my manna bread and holy spring water. It'll heal your body. Try my little prophet friend who can call out your credit card number. Try my miracle while I promise you miracle money just for listening to how great I am. 

While some of these ploys are obvious and meager in their attempts, others are much more pervasive and, ultimately, more dangerous. You see or hear a so-called man or woman of God and they acknowledge Jesus Christ as the son of God. So they pass the first test. And they preach the written Word. They pass the second test. The signs and wonders follow... seems to be a bonus there. But your spirit man knows. Something. Just. Ain't. Right.

In this dark spiritual hour, we must be cognizant that demonic doctrine has slipped into the church and even some of our most respected national ministers may teach falsities from their pulpits. Some of these teachings have passed down from previous generations because "mama and daddy and 'nem" couldn't read and had no choice but to believe "Passa." Others, however, have turned their backs on the kingdom platform that Christ explicitly stated in the Word, and because of their influence, many believers still accept them as part of Christ's body.

So how can WE as believers guard our souls from such artfully-crafted lies? Here's what the Lord has placed on my heart.

  1. We must learn to identify and recognize the voice of God. How does this happen? First, by reading His Word, particularly the Words of Jesus. His words always revealed the heart of God as it pertains to love for the lost and hatred for sin and hypocrisy. Second, through prayer and by prayer I mean you send your requests, then stop and listen for His. The Father's words have a certain tone about them. They bring peace, yet they turn your mind upside down. His Words pierce and convict your heart of wrongdoing, yet comfort you at the same time. Learn to recognize this tone, by inclining your ear and quieting your spirit. (John 10:5, Isaiah 55:3)
  2. We must do what the spirit says. Have you ever helped someone through a difficult problem, but they didn't take your advice? They just wanted to talk and talk and talk, but never come to a resolution. Some people don't want to do the right thing. Some don't want to do anything at all. So I've learned to stop talking to those folk. I believe God handles us the same way. To keep the communication open, you have do more than listen. Obedience is the key to keep the spirit speaking. (Isaiah 1:17-19, 1 Samuel 1:22, Psalm 51:11)
  3. We must deal with our personal lusts and any desire that leads us away from Him. We tend to think of sex as the only source of lust, but this isn't true. Anything that we desire so much that it causes us to miss God MUST be put into its proper place. Lust is the result of an imbalance or lack of prioritizing. Put your desires in their proper place, so every seemingly good thing that comes your way doesn't lead you astray. (Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 6:33, Psalm 37:4)
  4. We must have a solid spiritual covering. Without having the foundation of a solid church home, we are all prey to enemy. God gave us pastors as shepherds. Shepherds guard the door to keep predators out, AND they protect the sheep should a prey sneak in another way. If you are NOT in a Spirit-led, Bible-teaching, fire-baptizing, people-loving church where the pastor(s) seek the face of God, it's time to search elsewhere. (John 10)
  5. Pride HAS to go! Nothing sets one up for deceit quicker than pride! How many scriptures warn us against thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought? The one that speaks loudest to me reads something like this..."God resists the proud." Ouch! So you can be a child of God, loving Him, thinking you're doing the right things, but because of your pride, He will resist you. And most people in this situation think it's the devil. I check myself fairly often for this, and I always find that in some capacity I've gotten a big head even if I haven't communicated it to others. (Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6, 1 Corinthians 8:1-2, Romans 12:3)
  6. Inspect the fruit. With so many proclaiming to be ministers of the Gospel, it's no wonder people are being led astray. Jesus gave us ONE litmus test for these situations. You shall know them by their fruit. In other words, not everyone who claims the name of Jesus, preaches His Word, and operates in signs and wonders is a follower of Jesus. You must check their fruits of the spirit. It doesn't matter how gifted a person is if they lack maturity, joy, peace, and love for mankind. Keep your hateful, squawking Gospel. It's not true to form! (Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jude 17-25)

Regardless of what takes place in the heart of others, God commands us to keep our hearts with ALL diligence. That means we must spend time questioning our own beliefs, casting down anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Furthermore, we must keep our pastors, other ministers, and our brethren (and "sisteren") in prayer when we see them starting to drift away.

I truly believe that God is not willing that any should be led astray, and for this reason, He will restore our lost loved ones to us. But in the meantime, it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and to intercede for those who haven't made it back home yet.

Thanks for reading. If this post has blessed you in any way, please please please repost, re-tweet, email, share, and forward. Comments are welcomed also. I'll be glad to answer any questions to the best of my Scriptural knowledge and as the Lord leads.

Your sister in Christ,


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Receiving God's Love: What's Stopping You?

I was blessed to have my first speaking engagement last Saturday, and since then, the Heavens have opened. I promised the ladies who attended that I would share my notes... so here goes!

The topic that was assigned to me was "Receiving the Love of God." Immediately I thought of the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. As I read through the story I found several issues that the son faced which prevented him from receiving his Father's love.

So as you skim/read/skip through, think of a place in YOUR life that still has pain, even as small as a stomach twinge or a sting. Now let's discover what's keeping you from getting that complete healing.

The story can be found in Luke 15:11-32. 

Luke 15:11-32

  1. Thinking too highly of yourself? We often think we're ready for more than we can really handle or that we don't need anyone else's help. In verse 11, the antagonist of this story demands his father to give him his inheritance before he had sense enough to manage what he was given. Demanding more than what you’re ready for will set you up for failure. We are not to demand anything from God as if we are entitled. We simply ask in line with His Word, believe on the promise, and receive it in due season. Zechariah 4:10 reminds us to "Despise not the day of small beginnings." Be proud of the progress you make today so God will bless you with more in the future. Proverbs 11:2 offers a somber warning: "When swelling and pride come, then emptiness and shame come also, but with the humble (those who are lowly, who have been pruned or chiseled by trial, and renounce self) are skillful and godly Wisdom and soundness." Humility is the attitude acceptable for a believer.

  1. Are you wrapped up in things?  Money, houses, family, relationships, and business opportunities that are out of God’s will or timing will cause us to lose our focus of intimacy. We’ll move away from the place of love and stability thinking we can find something greater somewhere else. We all know that one person that needs God in the worst way, but won’t bow their knee to pray. They refuse to put Him first, yet expect God to wave a magic wand and make all their problems disappear. They don’t hunger or seek after Him because they’re afraid to lose their things.  Remember the rich young ruler (Luke 18)? Jesus TOLD him what to do, but he went away sad. You either do it, or you don’t. Make up your mind! God promises great things for those of us who seek HIM FIRST. Sometimes you've got to lose the good to obtain the great! (Saw that on Twitter…)

  1. Under these circumstances…  Well what are you doing under there? Just because bad things have happened (famine, drought, earthquake, hurricane), God has NOT abandoned you. Don’t reject His love simply because you’re down and out. You have the power to change the situation through prayer! Maybe something happened in the past that you had no control over, but it still haunts you today… The blood of Jesus reaches back! Don’t bother asking “Why me?” When Job responded to his hardship self-righteously God showed up and told him to “Gird up your loins, and answer Me like a man.Selah. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers her out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)

  1. Who am I again?  Undoubtedly MANY people struggle with self-esteem issues. In verse 19, the son believed a lie ("I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”) Forgetting who you are will block God’s flow of love.  Don’t get it twisted… Poor self-image is not a substitute for repentance. God draws near to a broken spirit and a contrite heart, not a self-loathing pity party. Low self-esteem often comes from a lack of validation as a child. Before long, you’re on a mission to make yourself feel worthwhile and you’re committing sins that cause you to hate yourself and distance you from God. What’s the remedy? Get back in the Word and rediscover who God says you are. KEEP IT FRONT OF YOUR EYES CONTINUALLY! Find a mature, trustworthy believer that has an open ear and nonjudgmental attitude to pray with. If you should fall, repent quickly and keep on pressing!
  1. Because we don't really know who He is … Who was the authority in your life as a child? Chances are, you view God much like that person. My parents were very strict, rigid, and critical when I was a kid. They loved us, but at any moment, you’d discover what you did wrong and hear about it for an eternity. For years I envisioned God sitting on His throne shaking His Almighty finger in my face. But that’s not His style. I was carrying the burden of my parents instead of accepting them as imperfect people. Jesus says in Matthew 11:29  “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls..”  The only way I came to understand who God is was by reading His Word and spending time with Him in prayer.
(Notice that when the son returns to the father, the son gives his practiced speech, but the father doesn’t even dignify the foolishness. He just wants to love and cover his son. THIS IS THE PICTURE YOU SHOULD HAVE IN MIND WHEN YOU PICTURE THE LOVE OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER.

    And the pièce de résistance…. 

If this weren’t a Christian blog, I’d cuss right here! Notice the people on the outside aren’t THAT big of a problem for the son. The ones closest to us often hurt us the most with their “honest” opinion. Their honesty is NOT God’s truth. Don’t become discouraged over another person’s two cents. If they are so inclined to be jealous, judgmental, and unkind to you, yet they call themselves your brother or sister, THEY HAVE ALSO FORGOTTEN WHO THEY ARE IN THE FATHER’S HOUSE. Distance yourself, forgive and pray for them. Remember that when God called you to Himself, He didn’t ask for anyone else’s permission.

People need to know that God is not mad at them for making bad choices. Of course, he requires that we repent which simply means to realize you’re wrong and come back home. He is longing for His sons and daughters to return to their place of love and security. Trust that your inheritance has not been lost!